Inside The Nest - With Jenny Prince


Get to know the staff at Nest with "Inside The Nest" -- a series of interviews with each of our team members. Through these posts, you'll learn more about our areas of specialization and discover our hidden talents, hobbies and more. First up is Massage and Bodywork Therapist Jenny Prince. Enjoy!

Q: What inspired you to become a massage therapist? What do you love about massage therapy? 

A: I was a former pre-school teacher of 17 years and when I left to help build a spa I was left with “a lack of nurturing people” feeling, so I became a massage therapist. 

Q: Can you tell us about the training that massage therapists go through?

A: I went to The Body Therapy Institute in Santa Barbara. The course work and Bodywork is 500 hours to get your State Certification in Swedish massage. There are many modalities you can add on to your Swedish practice. Some I’ve enjoyed are; Deep Tissue, Cranial Sacral, Touch for Health, Shiatsu & Neuro-lymphatic Scrubbing.

Q: What are three things clients should know before their first therapeutic massage?

A: That it’s a partnership of healing. The therapist and client work together. Clients should ask for what they want and know that it’s really about the therapist meeting them where they are. 

Q: Outside of the office, what inspires you? In other words, when you’re not at work, what are you doing? 

A: Hiking/exercise, beach, jewelry making, reading, socializing with friends…

Q: Are there any new trends or treatments in the massage therapy world that we should know about?
A: Lymphatic Drainage is so important with all the toxins in the world. I’m looking forward to learning this modality in October.  

Q: What’s your favorite therapeutic massage treatment to receive yourself?

A: All and any! ☺ I enjoy massages that have a combination of many modalities. Every therapist is different and I enjoy seeing what they feel is right for me in that moment. 

